Weird New Yorkers and Conventional Midwesterners
Source: Divided We Stand: Three Psychological Regions of the United States and
Their Political, Economic, Social, and Health Correlates and Science of Us
A client asked me in an email if I'd ever been to the Midwest (Wisconsin or Minnesota specifically) and wondered: "What do people outside of the Midwest think of when somebody mentions Minnesota or Wisconsin?"
I joked that all I knew was That 70's Show and Cheeseheads. But my real answer was that I considered folks from the Midwest to possess a wholesome ruggedness. Pretty tough but also warm and welcoming, doncha know. According to a report in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Midwesterners have a friendly and conventional psychological make-up while New Yorkers and the majority of the Northeast are uninhibited, creative, relaxed and temperamental.
Does being a New Yorker make me more likely to be a writer and photographer who's more likely to go topless in public or dance in the street? Or do I feel at home in New York because I'm more prone to creativity and relaxation? Nature vs. nurture?